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    Exterior Painting Auckland

    Exterior Painting Before & After Gallery

    Trying to visualise how your painting project will look is often difficult. This is why the house painters have put together a collection of actual exterior painting projects we have completed. Have a look and see if one of them looks similar to your home and the incredible difference painting can make.

    Move the slider to reveal before & after photos

    As you can see on this exterior painting project the home was completely transformed by modern colours. Click here if you want to see what colours were used.

    It’s amazing what painting the entrance of your home can do. From drab and uninviting to fresh and welcoming. All this can be achieved through exterior painting.

    This home was in desperate need to paint stripping. The existing paint was peeling and falling off the weatherboards…but the homeowners wanted the same colour again. Dark colours attract so much heat that if you simply paint over existing coatings, it can lead to paint failure. The only solution is to strip off all the paint and start again. This is what we did on this property, and now it looks stunning! Click here to view the entire case study.

    Colour can transform a home. By simply updating the weatherboards and window colours this home has a new lease of life.

    This home is nearly 100 years old and has been dragged into the modern world using a very creative colour scheme designed by the house painters colour consultant. Click here to view what colours went where.

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